Demoso, March (29)

Although fighting ceases in Karenni State, the military council takes valuables from the homes of civilians fleeing and they are continuing to burn down homes, the local PDFs said.

In Karenni State, there has been no fighting between the military council and the local People’s Defense Force in recent days but the military council often fires artillery shells into villages.

The junta also raided the homes of local civilians who had fled the fighting, looted valuables and set fire to homes, an official from the People’s Defense Force reported.

“They are burning houses where there is no fighting. They ransack the houses for the belongings,” a member of Demoso PDFs said.

In Karenni State, after the military takeover, more than 200,000 people have been displaced by the fighting between the military council and the local People’s Defense Force and are living in shelters and IDP camps.

Currently, the refugees are facing water and food shortages due to four cuts strategy by the military council.

News – Than Lwin Times

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