Mawlamyine, March (26)

The military council’s claim that the IDPs will be resettled, is a fantasy and an attempt to run their administration’s work, the aid workers said.

Following the coup, clashes between ethnic armed groups including local PDFs across the country and the military council are taking place, and hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced by the fighting.

A spokesman for the military council, General Zaw Min Tun, told a news conference on March 24 that the IDPs displaced by the fighting will be connected, and relief and resettlements will be carried out for them.

“The claim by the military council targeting civilians and refugees is an attempt to get the government cycle back on track,” one of the aid workers said.

“There were not even peace talks during the conflict, and the idea of relocating refugees is a fantasy. The other thing is that they are trying to revive their mechanism,” he said.

The coup council has also fired artillery shells at camps for refugees, forcing them to flee the fighting, and access to medicine and food has been cut off.

The IDPs in Karenni State are facing food and water shortages.

Over a year after the military coup, up to 750,000 people have been displaced by the fighting across the country, according to the Institute for Strategy and Policy-Myanmar.

News – Than Lwin Times

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