Mawlamyine, March (26)

The salt farmers said that after salt fields were damaged due to continuous rain in Mon State these days, the salt prices hit record highs.

The salt fields in Mon State were hit by heavy rains last December and February, and this is the third time in March.

So the salt fields were destroyed this season and there will be a reduction and a delay in salt production.

Due to these circumstances, the price of a viss of raw salt has risen to a record high of almost 300 kyats in the market and the current price is the highest in Mon State’s sun-dried salt industry.

Despite the high price of salt, the losses were huge due to lower yields and higher production costs, a salt farmer said.

In Mon State, sun-dried salt is mainly produced in Thanbyuzayat and Ye Townshipis, yielding more than 40,000 tons of salt annually. It is being exported to some Regions and States including Yanon and Mandalay.

News – Than Lwin Times

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