Loikaw, March (17)

As fighting continues in Karenni (Kayah State), the internally displaced persons (IDPs) are in dire need of medical treatment, the aid workers say.

Starting from February 15, the fighting between the military council and the local people’s defense forces continues to intensify throughout Karenni State. The military junta has launched a massive offensive using air strikes, tanks and armored vehicles.

As a result of these clashes, the IDPs have nowhere to run, and inhaling the dust during the hot summer months can lead to illnesses.

As a result of the fighting, hospitals and clinics are closed and they have difficulties getting medical treatment, an aid worker said.

He added, “There is a shortage of water for general use. The clinics are closed and we have a hard time getting medical treatment.”

The IDPs face water shortages and have to pay exorbitant prices to buy water.

In Karenni State, the fighting intensified from dawn to dusk, during which the military council used multiple rocket launcher systems as well as body-sized huge bombs.

More than half of Karenni State, which has a population of more than 300,000, are affected by the fighting, and they are hiding nearby forests and refugee camps.

News – Than Lwin Times

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