Loikaw, March (28)

Due to the intense and continuous fighting, a shortage of food and drinking water has started in Karenni IDPs’ camps, the aid workers said.

Fighting continues between the military council and the local People Defense Force throughout Karenni State, starting from February 15 last year.

As a result of these clashes, IDPs are finding it difficult to buy food and are facing serious summer water shortages.

In some camps, food shortages are imminent and emergency assistance is needed.

“Some camps almost run out of food because of the large number of IDPs. Some have nothing to eat. We send as much as we can, but not every day,” one of the rescue members said.

Although local PDFs are now distributing their food rations to the needy, but it is not enough and there is a risk of famine.

That is why social workers are urging donors to contribute as much as they can.

In Karenni State, with a population of over 300,000, fighting between the military council and the local People Defense Force has forced more than 200,000 people to flee their homes, and health care assistance is also urgently needed.

News – Than Lwin Times

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