Mawlamyine, March (24)
The students say they have difficulties preparing for matriculation exams due to a lack of full-time classes and private study time at schools run by the military council.
The coup junta has ordered this year’s matriculation exams to be held from March 31 to April 9 after five months of teaching.
“There are weaknesses in teaching. They no longer ask if the students understand the lecture or not.
They gave us homework and we often have to do it at home on our own,” said a student who will take an exam.
“There are disadvantages in terms of literacy and knowledge,” the teachers said.
In addition, as the military council removed most of the lessons from the curriculum for the matriculation exam, the students’ literacy rate has dropped by 70 percent, a high school teacher says.
“These children write down what they have memorized by heart on the exam because they have already been given the material to study for this exam. They do not have the time to learn the whole book like before. The authorities want a higher pass rate during this period, but it is not good for children,” she added.
The education community says Myanmar’s education system could reach its worst if it is a system in which all students who takes the exam pass.
Under military rule, there are more than 300,000 applicants for matriculation exams, which has doubled the number in recent years.
There are more than 1,200 testing centers across the country for the exams, according to the military council.
News – Than Lwin Times