Mawlamyine, March (20)

More than a year after the military coup, the families face a hard time due to the sharp rise in commodity prices and a lack of regular income, the housewives say.

In the meantime, the prices of foodstuffs have doubled and those of cooking oil almost quadrupled.

Therefore, the families are struggling to make their ends meet while austerity measures lead to malnutrition and health problems.

“Now we have been eating less than we used to. The cheap food makes it our health worse. We can no longer store food because of no extra money.

With commodities prices soaring, the common people are struggling to make ends meet,” one housewife said.

One other housewife said that the lack of income led to problems and more domestic violence.
“There are violent incidents at home. When the daily income is not enough, more and more conflicts among us,” she added.

Some daily wage earners are eating only one meal a day.

The World Bank warned that he military coup could bring millions of Myanmar people to the brink of famine,

News – Than Lwin Times

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